Terms and Condition
(Updated on April 29th, 2021)
With the agreement to these terms by telephone, by placing an order, or by using Hello Hired services, you (the “Customer”) agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement, even if you have not read them.
1) Products and Services
The products and services of Hello Hired Inc are designed to provide current, authoritative information. The company is not, however, engaged in rendering any form of legal advice, which should be sought from a competent professional in the relevant field.
Hello Hired Inc. may revise and/or discontinue Products and Services at any time. Hello Hired Inc will display current products and services on its website and will notify clients regarding a specific product that has been discontinued or upgraded to a newer version.
Memberships sold to Customers is for the exclusive use within that client company only. Members may not use these services as part of a consulting offering for multiple companies. Hello Hired Inc reserves the right to remove access without notice or refund should we identify misuse of the membership outside of the original client company.